Ticket Sales Offices

Tickets for events on our website can also be purchased from our sales points.

We strive to continuously expand our network. Check the list for your nearest sales point.

Currently, there are no ticket sales points.

The delivery fee when purchased from our sales points is 1.50€/ticket, in addition to the ticket price and handling fee.
The delivery fee may vary depending on campaigns, events, etc.

Do you want to become our partner? Contact us at lippuagentti@pedconsos.fi

Additional information about events can be obtained from the event organizer.
Contact information can be found on the event sales page or the organizer's own website.

Email:asiakaspalvelu@pedconsos.fi (palvelee arkisin 9-17, kiireelliset myös viikonloppuisin)

Contact and Event Form: vaihtoehtoisesti voit lähettää kyselyn yhteydenottolomakkeella Contact us tab. On the same page, you will also find an event form. By filling it out, we can create your event according to our basic service terms and regular pricing: event creation cost 0 euros, pre-ticket sales 0 euros.

We ask you to carefully read the terms of use for our service. You can familiarize yourself with the terms here.